
Fundamental Theology Course
Lesson Five: Infallibility
Revelation & Faith
Lesson Five: Infallibility
Lesson Five: Infallibility
Learning Objectives - Lesson 5
When you finish this lesson, you should be able to do the following:
understand infallibility as a gift or charism to the Church and the various ways it is exercised by the entire people of God and her pastors
the three ways the universal magisterium can teach infallibly
explain the hermeneutical principles for the interpretation of magisterial statements
articulate the various responses due to various kinds of magisterial pronouncements
express what dissent is and how Catholics ought to deal with reservations they may have regarding a particular expression of the Magisterium
Key Words - 5
sensus fidei
sensus fidelium
donsensus fidelium
consensus patrum
Ordinary & Universal episcopal magisterium
extraordinary papal magisterium
ex cathedra
magisterial fundamentalism
obedience of faith
religious submission of intellect and will
VIDEO 5-1:
Infallibility and the Church
VIDEO 5-2:
The Proper Response to Church Teachings
Reading Assignment Week 5
CDF Instruction On the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.A very important document that you should read very carefully.
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, “1989 Profession of Faith” (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. followed by John Paul II, 1998 Motu Proprio Ad Tuendem Fidem, (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. followed by Josef Ratzinger’s Commentary on the latter (also 1998). All three of these are brief and found on the very same webpage of the Vatican's website.
John Paul II, 1994, Ordinatio Sacerdotalis (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Read carefully and notice the language used . . . to what degree is the Pope engaging his apostolic authority? How would we categorize this teaching and what is response due to it?
Please note: if for some reason one of the links above are not working, go to the syllabus and try the link as it appears there under the reading assignment for this week. Also, you can go to "FILES" (tab on the left) and try to access it from there. If none of these options work, contact our librarian Sr. Rebecca Abel rabel@cdu.edu who can email you a PDF of the assigned reading selection. Thanks. Dr. D'Ambrosio