Living the Sacrament
Loving Naturally and Supernaturally
"All of creation awaits with eager longing the revealing of the children of God" - Romans 8:19
FIRST TALK: Green Sex: The Case for Natural Family Planning
First comes loves, then comes marriage ... then what? If sex is natural, why are we so eager to make it artificial? In this presentation, Jason Evert presents the case for Natural Family Planning as he unveils the beauty of God's plan for sexuality. Jason has spoken about chastity to more than one million people around the world and is the author or more than a dozen books. Listen to this audio below:
"What Do We Do Now?"
by Patty Schneier is a great follow-up to all of these talks. It includes concrete steps you can take as you seek to live in fidelity to this teaching:
SECOND TALK: "Prove it God!...And He Did"
Patty Schneier
A powerful testimony of God's love and mercy in action with someone who struggled with the Church's teaching on artificial contraception:
The four videos below are from an event we held at our parish called “Living the Sacrament.” I apologize for the poor quality of the videos. To get the complete message of this event, listen to all of the talks consecutively. In addition to the talks from this event scroll down for other helpful information.
1st Talk: Dr. Cory Labrecque
Bioethics from Emory University
The Body as a Temple: Foundations in Catholic Teaching
2nd Talk: Part 1 - Deacon Mark Friedlein
The Beauty of Truth: Catholic Moral Teaching on Artificial Contraception & Direct Sterilization
This talk goes hand in hand with 2nd Talk: Part 2 by Fr. Kevin Peek. The content of both talks must be taken into consideration in order to receive the complete message. God's truth & his mercy can never be separated for they flow from the same Source - His Love.
2nd Talk: Part 2 - Fr. Kevin Peek
Where Do We Go from Here? The Mercy of God Makes All Things New
3rd Talk: Kathleen Raviele, MD OB/GYN
Living with Your Fertility through Natural Family Planning
Panel Discussion