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Consoling the Heart of Jesus in Our Suffering
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(scroll down to read individual blog posts)

The Brilliance & Beauty of a Soul Restored to Grace

The Communion of Saints: THE CHURCH SUFFERING

The Four Last Things
The Four Last Things
Series of talks on the 4 Last Things. As always we start with Death.
For more please visit https://sentrad.org/multimedia/ These media files are Penanceware, which require that you do one of the following: (1) $1.00 via Paypal (https://sentrad.org/), (2) offer up a decade of the Rosary, or (3) perform some form of penance for the intentions of Fr. Ripperger (for each individual media file downloaded). The same rule applies if you copy and distribute to friends.

Purgatory: What's It All About?
God respects the free will of people on earth. We can consciously choose what to do and how to do it. But since the beginning of time people have used their free will to choose sin. It is the misuse of human free will that leads to moral evil, like greed, envy, lust, lying, gossip, anger, pride, etc., in our world.

Questions about Purgatory: Answered by the Saints

The Final Judgment
When Christ returns to earth, all human souls will be joined to immortal bodies to face a public tribunal of every human deed from the beginning of history to its end.

How God Got Gloria’s Attention: Lightning, Hell’s Gate and A Vision of Purgatory

The Flip Side of "Heaven Is for Real"

A Journey to Hell, Heaven & Purgatory
After a near-fatal motorcycle crash 30 years ago, priest said guardian angel showed him the afterlife
Father Jose Maniyangat story was featured in the homily of the Mass at EWTN celebrated by Father Joseph Mary. It is excellent & life-changing!

I Leave It in His Hands
"The sun could have not risen that day and it would have been less surprising than what actually happened." Sammie Wood, a mother of three, homemaker, and cattle rancher from Clayton, New Mexico, spoke through tears as she recalled the events of Aug. 10, 2014.

Burying Mom: Grief, Temptation, Grace
Shocked, cheeks wet with tears, thoroughly pierced with grief, I drove in the late night to my parent’s home. I tried to imagine that my younger brother’s words spoken on the phone, “Mom is gone”, did not necessarily mean that she had died.

Free Will & Heaven
Even though we have been saved by Christ’s passion and death on the cross, we will not be able to enter heaven until we are fully able and willing not to sin and have learned how to completely align our will with God’s Will and doing only the good (not sin).