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Consoling the Heart of Jesus in Our Suffering
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My Lifelines - God's Amazing Grace
"The Church is a field hospital for the wounded, not a haven for saints. Its doors opened two thousand years ago, and they are still open today. Inside these doors can be found true peace and joy, especially for those who are hopeless, hurting, or suffering" (Pope Francis).

Use Sacrifice Beads & Suffering to Help Your Loved Ones
After Brett passed away, it seemed to me that God was giving me signs that he was saved (for which I am so grateful). I asked a priest, whom I knew was faithful to the Magisterium of the Church, if I could count on this. His answer I have never forgotten. It has helped me in so many ways even though it was difficult to hear at first!

Taking on the Strong Man through Redemptive Suffering
How can anyone enter a strong man’s house and steal his property, unless he first ties up the strong man? Then he can plunder his house (Matthew 12:29).

Spiritual Warfare: Living Water of Redemptive Suffering
The material from this post was written many years before my son's death in 2015 but the lessons learned and habits formed at that time in my life were so important in enabling me to stay connected to God during my darkest hour.

Why Do We Have to Carry our Crosses?
Isn't What Jesus Did Enough?
We know why Jesus died on the cross but why do we have to carry our crosses? Wasn't what Jesus did enough?
Of course what Jesus did was "enough." That is not the right question. Rather, it should be: "Exactly what was it enough for?"

I Leave It in His Hands
"The sun could have not risen that day and it would have been less surprising than what actually happened." Sammie Wood, a mother of three, homemaker, and cattle rancher from Clayton, New Mexico, spoke through tears as she recalled the events of Aug. 10, 2014.

Burying Mom: Grief, Temptation, Grace
Shocked, cheeks wet with tears, thoroughly pierced with grief, I drove in the late night to my parent’s home. I tried to imagine that my younger brother’s words spoken on the phone, “Mom is gone”, did not necessarily mean that she had died.

A Process of Offering Up Suffering
1. Enter into the Lord’s presence and ask for His insight and grace as you seek to understand and lean into your suffering for the sake of your own salvation and that of those whom God has placed in your care.

Grief Attacks
My Son's Funeral
10 months & 19 days since you passed into eternal life on October 15, 2015.
I have learned that it is God's desire to gather together all of the suffering from grieving hearts and use it as a force for good. Here is a way that God has taught me to allow Him to use these "Grief Attacks" for a higher purpose and to make our loved one who has passed away happy that something good can come from our suffering.

My Heart as a Sanctuary Lamp through Redemptive Suffering

The Gift of Tears?
We are created by God with the ability and urge to cry when our emotions move us, so shedding tears must be an important part of being a human being.

Taking Up Our Cross
Luke 9:23-25 ‘If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me. For anyone who wants to save his life will lose it; but anyone who loses his life for my sake, that man will save it. What gain, then, is it for a man to have won the whole world and to have lost or ruined his very self?

Exploring The Mystery of Redemptive Suffering with Jeff Cavins
You can have all the money in the world, but you can’t buy suffering insurance. Doesn’t matter if you’re Catholic, Protestant, Pagan or Martian. Everybody experiences it.

The Prophetic Messages of Our Lady of Akita
Our meditation today arises from the approved apparition of Our Lady of Akita, Japan from June 12, 1973 until Sept. 15, 1981. It began with 101 instances of a statue of Mary bleeding and weeping. Sr Agnes Sasagawa then received visions of an angel and messages from Mary, the Mother of God and Our Mother.

Why Do We Suffer?
Suffering is hard. It is easy to say you want God's will.... til you take up that cross.