Virtual Eucharistic Conference

Session Four

Welcome to Session Four

Tim Glemkowski

 Fill These Hearts – Growing a
People Hungry for the Eucharist

Description: We know that the Eucharist is the "source and summit" of our faith as Catholics. It is the Real Presence of Jesus Christ, body, blood, soul, and divinity. Why is that so hard for many Catholics to see and, even more importantly, how can the regular reception of this amazing sacrament still leave some unchanged? This talk will provide answers by diving deep into the Church's rich sacramental theology to show the vital connection between evangelization and discipleship and the subjective, transformative fruitfulness of the Mass.

Question: How can we do more pre-evangelization and evangelization in our parishes to create a people who hunger for the Eucharist?

Sam Guzman

Becoming the Eucharist

Description: We are not just called to receive the Eucharist, we are called to become the Eucharist by living lives of praise and sacrificial self-gift. This talk will use examples from the lives of the saints to illustrate how we can live these truths.

How to Get More from Sam
The Catholic Gentleman is a solid and practical guide to virtuous manhood. It turns to the timeless wisdom of the Catholic Church to answer the important questions men are currently asking.

Jesse Weiler

My Sacrifice & Yours

Description: At the end of the Preparation of the Offerings, the priest says to the people: “Pray, brothers and sisters, that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the Almighty Father.” There are not two sacrifices. Rather, we share in the singular sacrifice of Christ, each in a unique way. When we offer ourselves on the altar during the Mass we truly become transfigured.

How to Get More from Jesse
This course introduces the theological and pastoral dimensions of the sacred liturgy. Specifically, it uncovers the spiritual reality of every liturgical celebration, considers the ritual medium employed by liturgical celebrations, and examines the various sacramental signs and symbols that contribute to a liturgical rite, such as objects, actions, words, time, ministers, music, and architecture.
Get this online course on the Mass for free!