Virtual Eucharistic Conference
Session Five
Welcome to Session Five
Nathaniel Binversie
Why the Eucharist Isn't Enough
Description: What if I told you the Eucharist wasn’t necessarily enough to get you to heaven? It isn’t. What if I could prove it to you in Scripture? I can. Want to get way more out of your relationship with Jesus Christ? Watch this talk and learn what you can do today, to enhance the way you relate to Jesus Christ, forever.
In what tangible and specific ways will you be more intimate with Jesus Christ outside the mass in each of the following modes: S.P.I.C.E. - spiritually, physically, intellectually, creatively, and emotionally?
Write them down for yourself.
If an answer for each of the modes of intimacy is too much, choose one and commit to doing that one really well.
How to Get More from Nathaniel
Nathaniel host's The Exodus 90 Show, a weekly fun, formative, and practical podcast for men. Along with the Exodus Team, Nathaniel will be launching a YouTube Channel to host even more dynamic and practical content. Want to be the first to hear about it? Join the Email list today.
Mike Aquilina
The Martyr’s Cup
Description: In the stories of the martyrs of the early Church, we find the secret to perseverance in our own everyday struggles. It is, now as then, the Mass.
Dan Burke
Eucharist: Doorway to Heaven or Hell
Description: Dan will reflect on how we can return to the sacraments in a way that can launch us into sainthood, or send us to hell.
Dan Burke was formerly the President and C.O.O. of EWTN News. He now heads up the Avila Institute for Spiritual Formation which provides formation for priests, religious and laity in over 70 countries. He has authored/edited fifteen books on authentic Catholic Spirituality, is the co-host along with his wife Stephanie Burke of Divine Intimacy Radio, and he founded the most widely read site on authentic Catholic spirituality, Finally Dan is the founder of a world wide community called Apostoli Viae which is focused on living the contemplative life, lighting the way to others, and personally supporting faithful Catholics on their journey to God.
In several of the talks that we listened to, we learned that making our lives into a sacrifice is very important! That may seem like a daunting task but St. Therese shows us a way to do this which she calls her Little Way which means doing little things with great love. Press the gold button below to read about that.